5 Facts Divorced Parents Need To Know
Your kids will keep asking why you got divorced. Decide what you want to say to your kids and stick to it. They will ask at unexpected times in new and interesting ways. They’ll ask one night when they don’t know that you’re really pissed at your ex. This is not the time to vent and spill all. Keep it simple and keep yourself…Keep Reading
Co-Parents Who Can’t Agree On Co-Parenting
Divorced 5 years, I’ve accepted that I cannot change my ex. He does what he wants, doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want, my opinions and concerns hold little weight and that which didn’t work between us in marriage will definitely not work between us in divorce. Like most couples, intact or estranged, we have the same recurring arguments. One issue, the instigator of dozens of… Keep Reading
When Children Go Back And Forth Between Homes
My parents are approaching their 50th wedding anniversary, so as a Solo Mom of a 14-year-old boy and 10-year-old girl, I haven’t walked in my kids’ “children of divorce” shoes. In the seven years since their dad and I separated, there have been ups and downs along the way. Ups and downs are expected for all on the roller coaster of adolescence, but I wonder (and worry), how many extra downward dips has our divorce added to their rides? Will these extra dips leave a long-lasting imprint on my children? Will the efforts I’m making now minimize the fallout later? Keep Reading
I Was The First Divorcee In My Group Of Friends - And No One Knows What To Do With Me
I was the first in my group to get divorced and in this case, there was no trophy and no prize for placing ahead of the pack. Surprisingly, there is a steep learning curve when you introduce divorce into a group of married people. Not only was I learning to be without a partner and my kids all the time, friends were at a loss…Keep Reading
Did He Cheat?
“Did he have a girlfriend? Was he cheating?” These are usually the first questions asked when news of a divorce spreads. It was the very first thing someone very close to me asked when told my ex and I had separated. It seems simple. Married + Cheating = Divorce. I am divorced and have many friends who have also gone through it. Some of us…Keep Reading
5 Lessons Learned From My Divorce
5 Lessons Learned From My Divorce
I was with my ex-husband for 16 years and have been divorced for three. The separation and divorce process are at times heartbreaking, heavy, confusing, and throughout it all, always enlightening. Here are 5 lessons I learned along the way. 1. When people show you who they are, believe them I love this so much I’ll say it again. When people show you who they…Keep Reading
An Open Apology To My Kids On The Subject Of My Divorce
I am sorry we failed. I will forever feel guilty that we broke your home and world apart. I know it’s ultimately for the best, but I know, and you have explicitly told me, that you would rather us all live together with some tension than separately tension-free. You don’t know that I was no longer living and now you have a mother, when before…Keep Reading